Well, that is, the announcement is finally here. The actual blogfest isn't until Friday, October 14th, but that gives you plenty of time to sign up on Alex's linky list. Please sign up, and then be ready for the madness to ensue two weeks from now.
Here is how the blogfest will actually work: The idea is to introduce everyone to everyone else. We want this to be an easy post that allows you to meet and follow as many other bloggers as you can. In your post, we would like you to please list, describe, and link to three blogs that you enjoy reading, but that you suspect may fly under the radar of a lot of other bloggers. Or they can be famous blogs, as long as they're awesome.
But don't stop there! Certainly visit and follow all the blogs that are featured in people's posts the day of the blogfest, but those don't have to be the only blogs you visit. You can visit everyone who enters in on the fun, and signs up on the linky list. In the interest of time you don't even have to leave comment. You can just follow, and come back another time. After all, we all know we don't have time to visit every blog we enjoy every single day.
So that's it. Please sign up in the linky list, and we will see you in two weeks!
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I don't know how people like ou and Alex get to as many Blogs as you do, but I have a hard time keeping up. Do you have jobs that allow you to squeez in a few reads during the day?
Sounds cool. I might even try out my Halloween costume.
Great idea. I'm checking with Casey to see if we can participate. One question: Are we supposed to mention the blogs in the links in our post or just any we enjoy that doesn't get much attention? Thanks.
I shall watch in awe with a couple of beers and a veggie sausage or two!!! You go, guys and gals!!! Take care
Sounds like fun!
I love it. Sounds great!
Sounds like a great idea. I'm going to have to think about it since that's when I do cool links, and am already linking blogs people don't know about. Maybe I can do a twist on it. Hmmm.
Awesome idea for a blogfest! I'm signing up. :)
I think this is a lovely idea and I can't wait to participate!
I'm afraid, to tell you the truth. What if I fail? What if I do it wrong? What if I don't find the time? What if...I sign up and just see what happens? Don't hate me if I goof.
Already knocked on Alex's blogging door, this morning! I'm in. :)
awesome idea -- blog fests are always so much fun. Thanks for hosting!
This sounds fun! I'm in:)
This is a really nice idea. I am noticing a lot of new blogs out there that I never knew about.
Wish there was more time to read!!
When the book is written about how to be a successful blogger and how to build a blog community, you and Alex are going to headline!
Have a good weekend, my friend.
I'm in! Great idea for other bloggers to gain exposure they normally would not receive. There are some great ones out there.
And BTW I did post on the CERN issuse last week. Just scroll down a bit more. And you might just see a picture of yourself along the way.
I'm in. Great ideas guys!
I'm tentative because I'm such a blogging rookie but I'll dive in the pool.
Excellent. It's on a Friday, so I can participate. Cutting back, you know ...
Great idea! Always love to find new blogs to follow.
I'm in. There are a couple of blogs I've been wanting to give a boost to..
Tossing It Out
I'm in. It will be the first blogfest I've joined.
By that time (Oct 14) I should have all my material ready for the writers conference I'll be attending - to learn from the greats like Don Maass and Diana Gabaldon. (that's my plan, anyway)
Thanks for hosting and for the opportunity to discover new blogs, Matt & Alex. Much appreciated.
All I can say is, you and Alex are blogging all-stars!
Very Cool! :)
Can we wear Haley Joel Osment costumes?
I see blog people...
I am wildly jealous of D.G. Hudson getting to listen to the greats. LOVE Diana Gabaldon and Donald Maas is wealth of information. So lucky!
Oops, sidetracked. I usually don't sign up for blogfests. But meeting other bloggers who write in an easygoing manner? Cool! I'm in.
I see now that you were not planning for me to participate. You scheduled it on a FRIDAY. Hello? ;p j/k~
Garrgghhhh, I'm in but I'm such a n00b and I have the fear! lol. Sounds like a great idea though :)
Woah, great idea! Signed up and ready to go.
Great idea. I'll just double check I don't have anything scheduled for that day, but I'm sure I'll be taking part :)
I'm in!
MacNish, I entered, but I don't see me on the list. *thumps fingers* What's a girl to do?
Why oh WHY does it have to be the same week as that other crazy thing I'm doing?!?! Didn't you take ME into account, Matt? O_o
Sounds like a great idea. I'm duly signed up.
Sixty people already! Awesome.
I'm IN! And I'm looking forward to it! Great idea, Matt.
I signed up. I think it's dang cool that these sign-up sheets can go across blogs making it all one huge blog thing.
I'm in even tho my follow seems to be broken. :-( Why does blogger plague me so?
Got my linky added and put this on my sidebar at my blog as well. This is such a great idea!! Thanks guys :-)
I leap to join the fray, pausing to note that the title of my blog is supremely dull.
This sounds fun! I think I'll just hop and not have people "land" on me. :) Thanks! Never a dull moment here.
I'm in, can I put my picks in before my usual Friday Musical Stories?
I've never been part of a blogfest before, but this seems like an easy one, so let's see if I can figure out how to do it!
Yikes, I'm not sure how to find the "blog post HTML." I looked on the dashboard and found "Edit HTML," but I'm not sure what to do. Help!
This is a damn good idea. Consider me signed :D
kewl! Count me in!
@Suzie F - I plan to share my experience at the writing conference (SIWC) in a post afterward on the Rainforest blog.
See you in the blogfest!
Glad I found you through Alex. Thanks for hosting this blogfest. I look forward to it.
All signed up! Great idea! Missed you while I was gone ...
Hi Matthew and Alex .. great idea - sadly I just have way too much on for now and that weekend I shall be in the city of Dreaming Spires - Oxford .. but I shall be watching on the sidelines .. enjoy it - cheers Hilary
Fantastic! I've signed up!
It's a great idea. I've not signed up because I'd hate to do so and not visit folks like I should. Sounds awesome.
I'm signed up.. I can't wait! :)
I just signed up over at Alex's site.
ah crud. I'm going to be out of town that weekend (Chicago) and then have to travel for work (NJ or CT) the week after, which means no internet for me like a full week. Which means i'm going to miss this
I'm in! Now to decide on which 3... :)
Awesome idea, men! I am IN!
I'm late to the party as usual! But count me in!
Join me in the Trick or Treat Spooktacular! Could you help make the Grand Prize a brand new Kindle Touch?
Looking forward to it.
I'm in..
Sorry for the late sign up, but I'm in :)
thats a great idea
I hate that I missed this!!!!!!!!!!!! That's what I get for living in a writing cave :) Such a fabulous idea though. I'll be checking out the blogs regardless. Thanks for doing this!
So awesome! I guess it's too late to participate? :(
I, too, am sorry I missed signing up, but will be checking them out anyway! Thanks for doing this :)
Honourable bye, genial chum :)
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