Anyway it's been almost two months since I started this silly thing and I've already learned a lot.
Here are some of the things I love about blogging:
Followers and following: I love that I can keep track of the blogs I enjoy reading and by following them can get an easy update whenever they put a new post up. One of my favorite things is when my little Yoda picture gets buried by new followers at one of my favorite blogs. When that little guy disappears I know my friend's blog is getting popular.
Comments and commentors: Probably the only thing I like more than followers is comments. Not only do comments prove that people are actually reading what you're writing but they're a great way to learn, not only about other's opinions but even about some things you might never have considered.
Here are a couple of things I don't love about blogging:
Trolls: This is actually the wrong term because what I'm talking about is more like a lurker. I don't mind having followers who often read but never comment but what I don't like are people who stop by and follow but never come back and never post a comment. I'm not even sure why anyone would do this but ... whatever.
The time it takes: That's another reason I need to start doing shorter posts. I've met a lot of great people while blogging and I've learned a lot about writing and publishing but I need to take back some of the time I spend blogging and apply it to revising my book.
That's it for now I guess but I would love to hear from you. What do you love about blogging? What do you hate about it?
Oh and if you follow my blog and for some reason I have not reciprocated please leave me a comment and I will be sure to visit your blog and become a follower.
I agree with all of the above except I'm kind of a lurker occasionally so I can't comment on the Trolls :S
I also just like interacting with like minded people. Writers can be so cool sometimes :~)
Hope you had a great weekend ;~)
LOL. What that last comment because of me? Sorry if I made you feel bad ... :(
I like the freedom to write about whatever, but don't like it when I have to sort through all of the spam comments.
AA, that last comment was because of you. But DON'T feel bad. I'm really glad that you pointed it out, and I love your comments!
thanks! :)
Hey Matthew - I'm starting to like blogging more & more. I'm w/ Mia, though, I don't always have time to comment on all the blogs I follow. So, I guess, sometimes, I'm a troll!
Yeah I fall into the Troll category every now and then (hey Fiona was an ogre Princess so I can for sure be an occasional Troll Princess ;o)
It isn't that I don't want to comment or don't have a comment - sometimes I have to stop, read it and then quickly move on due to time. I try, if the topic really moved/interested me to come back later and comment.
I totally love the writer connections of blogging. My entire writing world expanded like crazy when I decided to really put some effort into following and reading blogs of other people. Every day I am amazed at the knowledge and experience now at my fingertips!
Visit My Kingdom Anytime
I'm with you...and sometime very soon I'll have to just pick and choose who I can comment on and who'll have to settle for a breeze through.
I just don't have enough time to do everything I want!
Maybe I'll just wave hello in the comments on those days?
Aren't trolls more the people that leave really negative remarks? I think writers follow blogs when they stumble across them to show support even if they don't comment.
And, I'm learning to try and keep my post to under 300 words. Good practice writing. :)
Laura, yes a troll is essentially a person who leaves negative comments or inflammatory remarks just because they can get away with it on the internet and just to tick people off. That wasn't really what I meant but I couldn't think of a better term, lurker sort of works but isn't perfect.
Also, I don't mind followers who read but don't comment, we don't always have the time.
I love feeling connected to people, but I dislike how much time it takes to do it everyday.
I love all the things I learn about writing when I read blogs. But like you, Mathew, blogging takes time away from actually using all that great advice and applying to my wip. ;)
I'm with most of the others - I love most things about blogging, but the time it takes sometimes takes a toll. I occasionally do an unplugged week to give myself a break :)
I love all the followers and comments too! I think the hardest thing about blogging for me is that sometimes I have "blogging block." I've set up my blog so my readers expect a post everyday, and there are some days when I just don't know what to blog about. I want to keep my reader's attention, so sometimes there is pressure to produce good blog posts.
I enjoy blogging for the community it brings you in to. I've met lots of great people and have learned plenty in the process. That's the absolute best part. I try to comment when I can - but alas, time sometimes becomes an issue. It's also a time constraint that I usually only post three times a week. Work beckons and I do need to keep some of my spare time to work on my manuscript (and let's not forget the golf thing) :)
You've made some great points, Matt. I love blogging because I have meet so many wonderful people! I hate it because it's a time sucker!!! But sometimes it's a good time sucker when I need a distraction. But sometimes it is the distraction. Grrr....double-edged sword and all.
I enjoy blogging. I love the interaction with other writers and learning new things.
I can't always comment on every blog I follow so I guess I;m a lurker too. But I try and visit them as much as I can and read the posts.
I'm guilty of "reading but not commenting." Part of it is that I feel foolish always chiming in with "Yeah, me too." Plus, I read literally a couple dozen blogs each day and it would take far too much time to post a comment on each.
But those are crappy excuses and I know it. I love those kinds of posts on my blog, because comments make me think people are reading what I read and that it's affecting them in some way.
So Matthew, I'm sorry for being a lurker and will try to do better in the future.
Hmn....I love the sense of community. I love that if I'm bored, I now have a variety of different blogs from people who all have interesting things to say.
What I don't love- the pressure! Coming up with something interesting myself is not always easty. I'm just kinda going with the flow though.
Hey Matthew! Thanks for following my blog and I'm following yours now too. This is such a great post. I started my blog about two months ago too and the learning curve has been steep!
I have the same problem with blogging eating into my writing time. I'm trying to keep it balanced but it's hard. I've also seriously shortened my posts too. I get to the point and try not to dawdle. Seems like you're doing the same!
Echoing the same comments as everyone else. I love the community and having the opportunity to interact with other writers. There are so many things I have learned about the business and myself from this blogging thing.
What I don't like:
The time it takes to come up with content and respond to all of the blogs I follow. I need more hours in the day.
I thoroughly enjoy the camaraderie of the blog-o-sphere. What I don't like is the time it takes. I wish I were a faster reader/writer.
Thanks so much for visiting, everybody!
I definitely agree that the time is by far the worst part.
And Terry, don't worry about not commenting every time you stop by to read, it's not necessary and would be nearly impossible anyway.
As long as someone comments at least every once in a while it's fine with me. Besides, even if they don't it's not like I'm going to block them - can you even do that?
I agree with everything. Especially the part about needing to pull back from spending so much time on the blogosphere. You don't even realize how long it's taking until you're done and a couple hours have slipped by.
I love everything about our writer's blog community. I have made some real friends, and have laughed and cried along with many of you. I love giving and receiving comments, and I have learned from, and been inspired by, many blog posts of my fellow writers.
The ONLY thing I don't like is the time suckage.
I follow hundreds of blogs...and they are all special to me. And I like to comment as often as possible, to contribute to the dialogue and fellowship. But it takes a LOT of time that I don't often have. I do my best.
I am occasional lurker on blogs, I admit! Sometimes I follow one, too, meaning to go back and leave a comment... and then forget. Bad me!
I actually prefer shorter punchier posts. It's easier to absorb and easier to read on small screens.
Loving your blog! :)
I love blogging! I love helping fellow writers and the writing community is awesome. For me, blogging is easier to do it as part of a group, since I only do it 2x/week instead of daily. The time issue is huge for me, as I'm also finishing up revisions!
Trolls leave ugly comments. But I know what you mean. And I've endeavored to do short posts for easy reading.
I am a lurker when I don't have time to comment, and when I mean I don't have time I don't want to write "GREAT POST!" I want to explain what made it great, and those tangents take time. I still try and make my way back to comment later in the day but sometimes there just isn't enough time.
I'm with you I don't like those who follow but never come back, never leave a comment, not even a little love. I'm guessing it's the followers they are looking for and not the comments. That is not the case for me.
When I first started my blog I did it for me and no one else, the same is still true but I never expected to receive the love that I did, I now make sure that I'm regularly posting and commenting when I can. It can become extremely overwhelming at times but I just remember that if I get behind I just jump ahead and eventually I'll get to everyone.
400 is not an easy number to take time to appreciate but I spend time with those who take a lot of time for me :)
i lurk on A LOT of blogs. But that's because i follow A LOT of blogs.
That said, i always try my hardest to comment on bloggers blogs who comment on mine
I am so impressed that you have over a hundred followers after just two months. It took me well over a year before I got to that point. I love the blogging community and knowing I'm not alone in this crazy obsession!
BTW Matt - I interpreted TROLL as someone who lurks and fails to leave a comment sometimes... I would NEVER start a negative comment on a blog. I cannot imagine it. I have commented my opinion on a news topic or such in the comments but never, ever negative towards the post or blogger. One - I know the time blogging takes. Two - really who needs negativity that is pointless & without a constructive essence in this world??? no one.
Anyway, I was just reading some of the comments here and realized my interpretation was different than some...
Visit My Kingdom Anytime
I agree with all of the above! If someone is reading my blog I'd love to know (maybe that is just me looking for approval). :) I have just started blogging as well and am finding that it takes up more time than I thought it would... need to work on that!
the point of "trolling" :) is to have your name on many various blogs so that many other people might notice you and come by your blog as well.
I have a lot of followers who never comment, but you should know, that on every 1000 readings you might get just 100 comments. There are a lot of people who like reading and informing themselves that way, but just don't have an opinion to share. And that's fine.
The number of readers over at my blog is the proof of that.
And just following someone is also a kind of support.
Yes, it takes SO much time. Time that takes away from my novel, or my work, or my children. I can't keep up, and sometimes I don't even try.
But I love to get to know people, and I really love to meet them in person, after getting to know them online.
Dezmond, you are absolutely right. I used the term Troll when it really does not apply.
And following is better than nothing I just don't see the point of following and never coming back to read. Although I suppose if a person doesn't comment there is really no way to know if they are coming back to read or not.
Thanks for your thoughts everyone!
Hi Matt, I clicked over from Colleen Lindsey's blog after reading your comment on one of her posts. I loved what you said (it was the 'get mad at this' post) and that you're from my neck of the woods.
I still consider myself a new blogger, though I've been at it for almost a year. The longer I'm here, the more I learn about blogging and about the blogosphere, and the deeper I fall.
I love writing each and every post and knowing that people read my musings is a thrill. A lot of my readers don't write or blog and those readers rarely comment. That does bother me. Maybe they're self-conscious? Who knows.
I'm slowly meeting other bloggers, reading more, being read more. The blogging community seems, for the most part, to be fairly generous and comment much more frequently. Occasionally, I get a pigeon fly-by, unsolicited advice, etc. Those I could do without.
I do well to post two to three times a week, each post takes a good half day. Then I started a second, less frequent blog. And am writing a novel. And have a part-time practice. So, yeah, time is at a premium. But my blog is a labor of love. I tend to learn at least one something new with each post...and many times, that something new is about myself.
Guilty as charged. I'm a lurker. Sorry. Must work on that..
Love your blog though!
i know what you mean -- my blog has gotten nearly 9k unique visitors in less than two months, and i've only heard from like 1/zillionth of them. i'd like to meet more people following my blog. it makes me wonder what they're thinking -- why they're not saying anything, and if they think i'm a doofus.
that being said, it is very, very hard to keep up and comment on all the fantastic blogs out there. there's so much invaluable information! i'm doing my best to stay in the game. i hate not being able to return the favor of commenting on my friends' blogs.
great post.
I find that readers/commenters come only sporadically and sometimes seem to vanish altogether. This can make it harder for me to motivate myself to keep putting my thoughts out there. Sometimes people will comment on posts I thought would only have minor appeal, but then there will be posts (like my new one with my cover mock-up) that I thought would really generate some comments, but...nothing. It is both fun and tough to be a blogger.
Yeah, I have a few followers like that. They just appeared and never comment and basically ignore your blog (for all you know). I don't understand it either.
Although, I do have some blogs that I like to read but I get so caught up in reading all the blogs my followers have so I rarely get to them. So maybe that's what happens to these mysterious followers.
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