Thursday, October 20, 2011

Christine Danek's Current Query

You all know Christine, right? She's very nice, and runs a great blog at Christine's Journey. Go visit it, and follow her.

Today I'm introducing you not only to Christine, but to her query letter. Please save your feedback for tomorrow.

Here's her query:

Dear Ms./Mr.

For eighteen year old Anna Page, a failed suicide attempt and a stay at the psych ward just may be easier than fighting the alien war she has been forced to fight.

Almost dying leaves Anna a broken mess in therapy and telepathic. She even thinks her soul lingered over her body for a while. Something she doesn’t want anyone to know. But when Anna meets and falls for IAN MCCLENNEND her life changes—and it’s not all good. Strange things begin to happen, her friends distance themselves, and she’s confronted by ghostly shadow people that try to kill her.

As Ian and Anna become close, she soon discovers that he isn’t what she thought. He is part of a powerful race of humans created by Alien refugees and was sent to protect her.

Shockingly, these Aliens had big plans for Anna’s lingering soul, but since she surprised them by living through her suicide attempt, now the stakes are even higher. Anna learns she has great power that the refugees can use against the evil lord RAIDEN, who has destroyed their planet and is ready to take over Earth. War is brewing, and Anna must fight to save Ian, the aliens and the world.

Can Anna win the war, save the world and the guy she loves when her soul still dreams of dying?

LINGERING SOULS is a young adult, Earth-based, science fiction novel, complete at 62,000 words. I am an active member of SCBWI.

Thank you for your time and consideration,

Christine Danek

There you go.

So that's it for today. Please say hello to Christine in the comments, and save your feedback on her query letter for tomorrow. Have a great Thursday!


Natalie Aguirre said...

Thanks for sharing this Christine. Your story definitely grabbed my interest.

And Matt, I just checked out your blog critique. It was interesting. I already think you do an awesome job blogging. I'm leaving to visit my mom tomorrow but will try to check out your critique.

Bish Denham said...

Hmmmm. Interesting concept.

Jemi Fraser said...

Hi Christine! It sounds like you've got an intriguing story line here! Looking forward to Matt's critique :)

Sarah Tokeley said...

Hiya Christine. *Waves*.

Old Kitty said...

I've tried typing Richard Mclenenendnn several times and keep failing! But that's cos I'm a bit dim anyway! LOL!

I do like the title and what it means here! Yay! Take care

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I know Christine! Awesome.

K. M. Walton said...

GREAT query!! I can't wait to read the feedback tomorrow.

Jaclyn said...

andd now I'm interested!! When I'm not reading memiors or non-fiction, I love to goof off with some crazy adventure story. :)

Samantha Vérant said...

Very cool story, Christine! And I love the title, too!

Slamdunk said...

Looking forward to Christine's review--very creative grab.

Michael G-G said...

Hi Christine!

Looking forward to some Matt Magic tomorrow!!

Anonymous said...

Nice to meet you, Anna. I'll be back tomorrow.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

Oh I'm so glad your blog is still here. After the grueling critique given to you from the professionally certified blog inspector yesterday I thought perhaps (falling short of absolute perfection) you might have committed blog suicide. Good to see that my faith in Prozac is restored.

Oh and nice to meet you Christine.

Johanna Garth said...

I like the story idea. Nice to meet your Christine!

Wine and Words said...

Sounds like a page turner. Damn though...reality is hard enough. I hope aliens and evil lords, and lingering souls stay in their corners.

Mel Chesley said...

Thanks for sharing, Christine! I look forward to what tomorrow brings.

Leovi said...

I think a very interesting novel.

Kristen Wixted said...

Looking fwd to learning what to fix...

Kelly Lyman said...

You are brave Christine! Yeah!! Can't wait wait to read the crit tomorrow!

Author A.O. Peart said...

Sounds like a captivating story. I need to check it out. Thank you for sharing :-)

Golden Eagle said...

Intriguing! And I love Science Fiction set on Earth.

Looking forward to tomorrow!

Sub Radar (Mike) said...

Lingering Souls is already sounding really interesting.

Donna K. Weaver said...

Christine, you brave soul, it's an interesting story.

Kristen Pelfrey said...

Thank you for giving us a chance to share your process, Christine! I need all the help I can get, and your query has already helped me. I look forward to seeing Matthew's comments tomorrow!

Christine Danek said...

Hi everyone. Thanks, Matt, for doing this and I'm looking forward (and scared to death) to read your feedback.

LTM said...

ooo, cool premise. And yes, I know Christine! Yay! I also noticed you're closing in on 1K... :D <3

Theresa Milstein said...

I know we're not supposed to give feedback, but I never listen. I suggest not capitalizing names. That's only in the synopsis.

Good luck, Christine!

WritingNut said...

Hi Christine! This definitely sounds like an interesting story :)

Nicki Elson said...

Hi, Christine :) (and Matthew - love your Yoda). Thanks for sharing your query, the story has my interest, and I look forward to seeing what the resident query aficionados have to say.

Melissa Sugar said...

Sounds like an interesting story. I will check back tomorrow for your review and feedback

Just Another Day in Paradise said...

No comments. I'm busy absorbing and learning. Thank you Christine and Matt for the peek into the process.