Sunday, May 10, 2015

10 Truths from Chicago Land

1) Christa Desir is the best hugger I have ever met. Seriously. I had formerly considered myself the master of the long, poignant embrace, but she killed me. With style and grace.

2) Ted Goeglein is a certified bad ass. Richard Price would call him a Do Anything Soldier. A Dolja.

3) Andrew Smith is the most sensitive man I know. I love this man.

4) Carrie Mesrobian is my TV Show soulmate. She writes exactly the kind of books I love to read.

5) Amy Del Rosso does not know quite how awesome she is. She also bows out way too early.

6) I love Chicago. Chicago rain tastes like sweet summer wine.

7) Christa called me a really talented writer when she introduced me to her friend. I did not know whether to pump my fist or cry.

8) Twitter is like the lunch room in middle school: the worst of humanity, and the world's most evil and terrifying place (now trumping the former champion, Goodreads).

9) Sabaa Tahir is really fucking sharp.

10) Book people are the best people in the world.

Sadly: I forgot to get a photo with Ted.
Sadly: I also forgot to get a new photo with Andrew.
Happily: here is me and Christa and Carrie:

Bonus: John Green, the sly bastard, somehow managed to photobomb my selfie:

Monday, May 4, 2015

2015 A to Z Blogging Challenge Reflections

The A to Z Reflections Post is a post presented on your own blog site giving the A to Z Team, the other Challenge participants, and any other readers your thoughts about this year's April Challenge.

We are looking for feedback about the Challenge. Tell us what you liked and didn't like, what worked and what didn't. If you have suggestions about making future A to Z Challenges better, this is a good time to let us know. You can highlight other bloggers who you felt did an outstanding job or direct us to specific posts that particularly impressed you or that you found to be very helpful.

In other words, we want to know how the A to Z Team did and how the Challenge worked for you. If you'd do it again, tell us why. If you would never consider A to Z again, let us know what would make you feel that way.

Please put up your Reflections post between now and Friday, May 8. AFTER your post has gone live, add the link to the Linky List below. Enter the link that goes DIRECTLY to your Reflections post and not your general blog address. The list will be accessible for the remainder of this year. Be sure to grab the badge.

The list is intended for A to Z Reflections posts only. Any links to advertising sites or non-relevant posts will be removed from the list. General links added before you actually post will be removed. And remember that these posts will be directed to a diverse audience of varying ages and sensibilities so please respect others by refraining from posting obscene materials or hurtful attacks upon others. We want a productive interchange of ideas that can lead to positive innovation.

Add your name to the list below!


This linky list is now closed.