Monday, November 24, 2014

Oh How I Miss You Blogfest!

How I Miss You Blogfest!

It’s that time of year again! Hosted by Andrew Leon, Alex J. Cavanaugh, and Me.

The bloggers you miss and the ones you would miss.
List one to three bloggers you really miss.
List one to three bloggers you would really miss if they stopped blogging.
And then go let them know!

So ... without further ado, here are three of the bloggers I would (and kind of do, considering I rarely blog anymore) miss..

Justine was pretty much my very first follower and blogging buddy. Okay, maybe not very first, but she showed up really early on, and she was nice, and she was steady. She was always around, always supportive, and really knew how to handle the blogging thing.

I learned a lot from her, and I think she was even the first blogger to ever host me as a guest, too.

Jess was probably my second close friend I made early on through blogging. We're still tight. We exchange pages all the time, and we've met in real life, and she is the sweetest because she sends me all her books (which I love--the stories, not the free shipping), all the way from Greece!

I met Katie, the CQG, a little later than Justine and Jessica, but we've been friends ever since. We've had very similar journeys in our path to seeking publication, and I think it has really provided some comforting solidarity for both of us.

Why do I miss them?

Well, Jessica actually still blogs like a pro, even though I don't really visit her as much as I'd like to. Katie and Justine are both on hiatus, I believe, but to be honest, I haven't been to either of their blogs in a while. The thing is, blogging has been really tough for me lately. I pretty much miss everyone! That's because I have barely been blogging myself, and certainly not visiting and reading the blogs of all my friends.

The problem is that the day job has gotten so crazy, that I barely have time to raise my family and write. Unfortunately, blogging simply has to take a back seat when the option is blogging or writing books.

Anyway, make sure you visit everyone else! It's not an enormous blogfest or anything.

This linky list is now closed.

Friday, November 14, 2014

How I Miss You Blogfest Returns!

How I Miss You Blogfest!

It’s that time of year again! Hosted by Andrew Leon, Alex J. Cavanaugh, and Me.

The bloggers you miss and the ones you would miss.
List one to three bloggers you really miss.
List one to three bloggers you would really miss if they stopped blogging.
And then go let them know!

Join us November 24! Sign up below!

This linky list is now closed.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

A to the Zizzle

There's a tiny little announcement over on the A to Z Challenge Team Blog this morning. I'm hoping that maybe being involved again can re-invigorate my passion for blogging. Or at least introduce me to some new bloggers. Will any of you be taking part?

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Iron Hearted Violet at Project Mayhem

I'm over at Project Mayhem this morning, discussing IRON HEARTED VIOLET, by Kelly Barnhill. Stop by if you have a moment.