But never fear! I've got my trusty assistants here to help you.
As a co-host of the challenge, there is a certain section of the list that I'm responsible for (if you're in my section, you'll be getting an email from me today), and so you can always contact me with any questions or concerns you have, and even while I'm out of town, I will be able to check email in the evenings.
But, if you have any really pressing questions, please don't hesitate to ask one of my five assistants. In case you don't know them, please be sure to visit their blogs, follow them, and leave a comment, so they know who you are:
Joshua, from Vive Le Nerd. Josh is the only of my assistants I've met in real life. A gamer, a writer, a dad, and a freelance copyeditor, Josh runs one of the coolest blogs on the web.
Sheri Larsen, from Writer's Ally. Sheri is the blogger I've known the longest of my assistants. We started blogging around the same time, and both really love being a part of the online writing community.
Deniz Bevan, from The Girdle of Melian. Seriously? Have you ever heard of a cooler title for a blog? Deniz is one of the few bloggers who can claim to be a bigger and more knowledgeable Tolkien fan than me, which, trust me, is very rare.
Jay Noel, whose blog is self titled, is an awesome writer. Last year, his A to Z theme was steampunk technology and it was definitely was one the coolest stops in the challenge.
Melanie Schulz, from Melanie Schulz YA Writer. Melanie is the newest blogger of this group, at least as far as my acquaintance with her, but she's just as great as the rest of them. She didn't hesitate to volunteer when I asked for assistance with the challenge.
So please visit all their blogs today, and make sure you're following them. Some of them may be revealing their themes, but if not, you can at least make sure you know how to find them if you need help during the challenge.
As for me, I'm going with etymologies again this year, since it makes for great, informative, and most importantly, short posts. I look forward to seeing all of you!
I will also be away on holiday the first week of the challenge but I'll be commenting and moderating comments via mobile. I can't miss out.
All excellent minions!
I actually know Sheri as she lives a scant hour away from me in the lovely state of Maine.
Looking forward to the fest and seeing what everyone has for themes.
Relax &enjoy your time away. Your list is in good hands.
What a great crew. I will just sit back and enjoy everyone's posts this year. =D
That's quite a crew! I know that you'll be well taken care of! :)
I decided on a topic and just posted, as well as linked to this post for the rest of the Minion info.
As a fan of Joshua/Vive Le Nerd, I admire your choice, and I am also slightly tempted to join in. However, there's not enough booze to inspire enough posts for me to join in. My shortcomings aside, I do wish all the participants the utmost of luck.
Welcome to all your assistants - this will make for a well structure "visiting" system. I know last year, as a co-host, it was quite an overwhelming task to visit and comment on so many blogs.
It's nice to see this year's co-hosts having a support team -what a great idea.
I will be making the rounds,
You have some great bloggers in your team to help you out!
Thanks for the email about the A to Z challenge. I've updated my A :P and I have all my posts scheduled. I do hope you enjoy them. They will be short and sweet, and full of encouragement and positive thinking. I hope it helps someone. And I will use it to help remind me when I'm stuck along the way!
I'll be visiting your minions (I love that word!) blogs and commenting. I really look forward to meeting some new friends!
Jamie Dement (LadyJai)
sweet. I'll head over. :)
Thanks for the heads-up! Gonna pop over and visit your five assistants next.
Ready - set - A-Z!
Prepped to go with EIGHT blogs in the April A-Z Challenge! Mine are 475 - 483 on the A-Z list.
Two of these blogs (Simply Snickers and The Meme Express) will offer DAILY writing/blogging prompts and A-Z words throughout the month of April. The Meme Express welcomes A-Zers to leave daily comments, linking back to their alphabetic posts.
Thanks for hosting the A to Z Challenge! Here we go-o-o-o!
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