Friday, November 8, 2013

Oh How I Miss You Blogfest

The bloggers we really miss…

and the ones we would really miss!

Do you have a couple blogger buddies who aren’t posting as often? Those who’ve pulled back and seem absent from the blogging world? Do you have blogger buddies you are grateful they are still around and would miss if they vanished? Now is your chance to show your appreciation and spotlight them!

List one to three bloggers you really miss and one to three bloggers you would miss if they stopped blogging. Then go leave a comment on those blogs.

Our blogger friends are special – time to let them know!

The bloggers I miss:

Adam Heine. Okay, so technically, he still ... blogs, but not like he used to. I'm happy for him, of course, because he's cut back for an awesome reason, but I do miss the golden era.

Candace Ganger. Candace will be on this list every years until she publishes a book. Actually, even then I will probably still miss her awesome posts. She does also still blog a little, but not like the good old days.

Sara McClung. Sara is one of my co-authors at YA Confidential, so it's not like she's completely disappeared, but she hasn't blogged in a while on her personal blog, so I do miss reading her over there. However, she's a mom now, so that probably has something to do with it!

The bloggers I would miss:

I don't even really know what to say here. I already miss all of you so much! I've really had to cut back on my own blogging, because the day-job has gotten so busy it's come to a point of blog or write. I used to be able to do both, but that's no longer an option. Maybe someday I can sell some books and quit my job. We shall see.

Honorable mention: my co-hosts, Alex and Andrew. You guys rock, and I would miss you big time if you ever disappeared from the 'net!

Here is the rest of the list, please try to visit them all:

This linky list is now closed.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Matthew! Ironically I mentioned you as well.
So many people have cut back or vanished this year...

Jessica Bell said...

I miss Candace as well. Her posts were so entertaining, but also heartfelt. I should start to communicate with her on FB a bit more, I think. I just hardly see her around. I think it must be a timezone problem ...

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Matthew .. it's good to remember people/bloggers - I know one or two of those you mention ..

But I'd miss the good friends I've made around the world .. and the way we all support each other ..

Cheers and happy weekend - Hilary

Huntress said...

The bloggers who don't and the writers who fell by the wayside; they are legion.

It isn't easy. Heavens knows it isn't. More like madness.

And sometimes I wonder, who is the crazy person? Me or the wonderful humans who decided they weren't meant to be a blogger/writer?

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

If I'm doing a count, that makes four bloggers that have slowed down or disappeared after the birth of a child. Priorities, we all gotta have them.

Sherry Ellis said...

Thanks for co-hosting this! It's a shame when blog buddies have to cut back, but sometimes real life just gets too hectic!

Arlee Bird said...

Ah yes, the "good old days". I guess nothing stays the same. So many bloggers come and go, post a lot then slack off, or just change things around a bit.

I've become much less socially active on the blogs in the past year to do other things that need doing, but ironically I still don't get any non-blog writing in or much reading of books I'd like to read.

Where has my time been going?

A Faraway View

J.L. Campbell said...

Hi, Matthew,
Not familiar with the ones who've stopped blogging.

For many of us, the day job does take its toll.

David P. King said...

I'm in the same boat as you are - with write or blog. Strange how all the extra time I used to have seems non-existent. You're an amazing blogger, and you'd certainly be missed should you have to leave. Thanks for hosting this special fest! :)

Rhonda Albom said...

Thanks for hosting this blogfest. It was difficult to select for my list, but reading other bloggers lists is a great way to discover new blogs.

Dani said...

I missed out on this hop but I'm glad to be going around and reading everyones posts. It's bringing me back to a lot of my long lost blogging brethren. I need to stop by more often Matt!!

mshatch said...

It can sometimes be difficult to blog and write and harder still to choose - especially for me since I live doing both! Nice to see you :)

SC Author said...

I'd miss Alex a ton as well :)

Jean Katherine Baldridge said...

Loved it! Thanks. I feel sad I didn't get to know your bloggers you miss. here's hoping my pals never stop!


Cathy Olliffe-Webster said...

I loved Candace's pink! And her style... sigh... when I grow up I wanna be just like her.

Cathy Olliffe-Webster said...

I loved Candace's pink! And her style... sigh... when I grow up I wanna be just like her.

Andrew Leon said...

I don't know any of your three, so I will have to try to check into them later in the weekend.

Thanks for the mention!
(I didn't really forget you.)

Margo Berendsen said...

I miss Adam's wit too!

Jay Noel said...

I haven't been to Adam Heine's blog in a long time. And that's horrible since we love the same kind of stuff.

I will check out the other two blogs!

Natalie Aguirre said...

There are many people who I miss blogging like they used to, including you. But I understand how busy life can be with work and trying to write. I will continue to blog next year but am cutting back because it's taking all my limited time to write.

Vanessa Morgan said...

Thanks for the visit. Have a lovely weekend.

Mark Koopmans said...


Not sure if that group pic on your sidebar is meant to go with this post, but it's a really awesome picture :)

Keep on truckin', man :)

Kirsten said...

Which is why this Blogfest is so awesome--it's a chance to appreciate the blogs we love.
I never miss a chance to analyze, agonize over and try to anticipate your suggestions on what makes a better query! Hope you sell a lot of books someday, so that we can get more of the QQQE magic. :)

Robin said...

There simply is NOT enough time for everything. Blogging seems to be the thing that goes when that Priority List comes into play. But, yeah, we still miss 'em.

Sheena-kay Graham said...

I've had to cut back on blogging time so I know how you feel. I miss you too and will always keep an eye out for when you do post.

Adam Heine said...

Sorry, man. I am trying, but I don't see a golden era coming back anytime soon. Maybe I can whip up a silver age or something.

Sarah Ahiers said...

Yeah, the blogosphere is not what it used to be

Jay Noel said...

Tell me about it, Sarah!