Wednesday, July 11, 2012

I'm Back

So ... my sister got married. That's us in the photo. Mostly this will be a post of photos. This is where we were:

And this is the building where we had the dance (inside):

I'm not going to go a whole lot more into the wedding, because my family, and my personal, life aren't really the point of this blog.

More to the point of this blog, I met up with a bunch of awesome writers and bloggers on Sunday night at the Cambridge Common Restaurant. Here's the proof:

This is all of us, including my daughter, Middle Grade Madi, who is a HUGE fan of Anna Staniszewski. Anna brought Madi some awesome swag, and we're all looking forward to her next book!

And all of us without my kid, for privacy purposes.

Madi with one of her favorite authors!

Anna, trying her damndest to be as funny as me.

Heather Kelly and I, which reminds how sad I was Jon Arntson (no link, because he's re-focusing) couldn't come.

Me and Kristen Wixted. Woot! I'm embarrassed to admit I didn't even know Kristen lived in the area, until she commented on Sarah's blog, but I'm so glad she came, because she's just as cool as she looks.

Sarah Fine and I. This is a terrible photo. Just look at the next one instead.

Yes. This one. Sarah was the writer I looked forward to meeting most. Not for any weird reasons you might be considering. Mainly, because she has a book coming out soon that looks like it's right up my alley, but also because we correspond a lot, I've looked up to her for a few years, and it's very exciting to see someone you've known since (almost) the beginning, achieving their dreams.

Other than all that nonsense, it was a wonderful trip (in spite of one travel day of horror), and I'm extremely happy for both my family, and for all my writer friends who have great news occurring in their careers. I'll get on some queries tomorrow, but for now, I need to write.


Cathy Olliffe-Webster said...

Well that sounds like a fabulous time! Wow! What a place for a wedding! Like a magical troll's house or something! And so glad you got to meet bloggers and writers. I did that once and would do it again in a hearbeat. They're like your very best friends who live a zillion miles away.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Welcome back! Glad you got to meet up with some cool friends as well as your family.

Huntress said...

Love the photos! *still smiling*

Stephanie said...

Glad you had a great time. Good luck with your queries.

Leigh Caron said...

Thanks for sharing your wonderful time with family and friends.

Nick Wilford said...

Wow! Looks like the wedding took place in Hobbiton! I dig your fresh white Adidas with your suit, too. :) And how great to meet up with bloggers and authors that you admire.

Sarah said...

Wow--that reception site is the coolest looking building I've seen in a long time.

Also: Matt, I'm blushing. I look up to you, too. And not just because you're taller than I am.

Anna Staniszewski said...

So glad things worked out (after the horrible travel day) and we all got to meet up. It was lovely meeting you guys!!

Josin L. McQuein said...

She got married in the Shire!!!

(I've been to Cambridge. Don't try and tell me there aren't Hobbits and Orcs... there are even a few trees up that way I'd suspect have Ent-roots.)

The pictures are terrific. It looks like you had a fabulous time, and the kidlet's a doll. I'm a bit concerned that you seem to have picked up a reptilian photo-bomber, though. :-P

Congrats to your sister and new brother-in-law.

Stina said...

That's so cool you got to meet all those ladies. I had to ask Kristen how tall you are because you towered everyone. I figured either they were very short and you're very tall. You're the same height as my hubby.

The building you had the reception in look so cool. Hobbit-ish.

Miranda Hardy said...

It looks like you had a fabulous time. There are so many cool people I'd love to meet in person.

mshatch said...

what a cool building. Was it designed to look like that or was it an historic building?

Looks like you had a lot of fun :)

farawayeyes said...

That was fun, something personal for a change. Looks like a good time all around.

Elise Fallson said...

You're back! Looks like you all had a wonderful time. Awesome. (:

Nicole Zoltack said...

Awesome pictures! Love the place where the reception was held!

Kimberly Gabriel said...

Welcome back! Congrats to your sister. I also love to see so many of you got to meet up! Very cool!

Michael G-G said...

Glad you had such a great time. Love the tennies with the suit--and everyone else is thinking Tolkien with me for the reception place!

It was great that you actually got to meet so many wonderful blogging friends in person!

Kristen Pelfrey said...

*happiness* So glad you had a good time and met with some fab people. *beams*

Anonymous said...

I love the white kicks with the suit. I went to a wedding a few weeks ago, they wanted us to wear I wore my blue Cons.

LTM said...

omg! That is like the coolest place to get married EVAH!!! Where is that? And Luckeeee! I can't believe you got to meet Sarah. How fun--and great shot of you guys. Very jealous--esp of the map~ <3

Riv Re said...

Congrats to your sister! It looks like it was a fairytale wedding. (That building is really gorgeous)

The writers meet-up looked so fun! Your daughter is adorbs. =D

~Riv Re
Riv Reads

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

That looks awesome. Dude, I'm gonna be at CES 2013 in Las Vegas the first week of January. You should go and we could hang out together.

Sarah Ahiers said...

Ugh, yeah your travel day suuuuucked. No thanks on that. I couldn't believe they gave your seats away

Cassie Mae said...

Oh, I love meeting writing friends. It's like... whoa, you're real people, lol.

And super cute your daughter got to meet Anna. :D

Patti said...

What a great place to have a wedding, it reminded me of England. And it's always fun to meet people in real life. Looked like a great time.

Arlee Bird said...

Glad you had such a fine time. Getting away can be an excellent time of recharge.

Tossing It Out

Ted Cross said...

The roof of that dance hall was awesome. But if I wore white tennis shoes with a suit like that, my wife would crucify me!

Bryan Russell said...

I didn't know you could rent out Hobbiton for the weekend.

Carolina M. Valdez Schneider said...

First, congratulations to your sister and spouse!! How very fun. That dance hall looked amazing, so very LOTR!!

And second, oh my gosh what a fantastic outing. How I wish I could've been there (even though I didn't know it was happening. lol) I'd have loved to meet Sarah too :D :D As well as Madi, and to see you again. Lovely, lovely pictures, Matt!

Nancy Thompson said...

Welcome back! You were missed!

Andrew Leon said...

Dude! That's an awesome building!
I have total envy.
And you got to hang out with people, too...>grumble grumble<

Hmm... what would it take to get your daughter to read my book? :P

Heather Kelly said...

What fun we had. I'm so glad that you and your family took the effort out to do a meet and greet!

I love it when my world grows smaller. :)

We're campaigning to get Jon to come out for the NESCBWI in the spring. It's a hilarious weekend for all involved. Maybe you would consider coming back up for it?

Unknown said...

Looks like it was a blast! That building looks gorgeous too!

Lindsay said...

Welcome back. It sounds like you had a fantastic time!

Steve MC said...

What everyone else said! So glad it went well, with good times with good people!

DL Hammons said...

I love photo posts! And, I'm really envious of you for getting to meet with those amazing writers!

Welcome back!! :)

Dianne K. Salerni said...

It looks like you had so much fun!! I saw some of these pictures on Sarah's and Heather's blogs. How wonderful that you all got to meet each other in person!

Now, when are you all coming to Philly?

Jemi Fraser said...

THose are awesome photos - my favourite being that extremely cool building - very neat!

dolorah said...

That looked like a lot of fun. Way cool to combine family event and meeting online friends.

Your daughter is a cutie too. Glad she got to meet a favorite author.


Kristen Wixted said...

Geez I am so late.
Lucky #40.
It was great to meet you/ it looks like a Hobbit house/sneakers with a tux? has already been said. guys made me feel popular. And when you're a writer and you spend most of your time alone with your characters (who don't really exist) or your family, in my case, kids and hubby (who have to like me or no one feeds them), feeling popular is HUGE and rare.

So thanks!

cleemckenzie said...

Pictures are great! Location fabulous. How much fun for you and your family! Congrats to your sister and her husband.

Stobby said...

Y'all look like real nice people. :)