Friday, April 13, 2012

A to Z Challenge: L - Laicism


See that guy over there? He's a layman. I actually didn't know this word existed until last night. I was familiar with its root, laic, which means of or relating to laity, as opposed to matters of the clergy, or in other words, secular. But then when I was researching laic, last night, I came across laicism, which is so much more awesome.

la·i·ci·sm [ˈlā-ə-ˌsi-zəm] n. 1. doctrine of opposition to clergy and priests 2. the nonclerical, or secular, control of political and social institutions in a society

Synonyms: there are no direct synonyms for this word, but some related words are, secularism, laity, laical, laically

Etymology: the etymology can only be found for the root word, laic: 1560s, from Fr. laïque (16c.), from L.L. laicus, from Gk. laikos "of or belonging to the people," from laos "people" (see lay (adj.)).

Note: I've installed the A to Z navigation buttons on my side bar, to the right over there (just below the follower widget). Feel free to play with them, as it's a fun way to visit the participating blogs. If you want to know more, or would like to get the code for your own blog, visit the post from the creator, Marcus Clearspring.


Rusty Carl said...

Huh, so, someone practicing lacism could be labelled a lacist? Why does that make me giggle?

Leigh Caron said...

Lacist? Ha, ha! Great "L" post.

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Holy Crap! I wrote on M today. I think I'm a letter ahead. Blah....

Haha...just read Rusty's response. Nice.

Rebecca said...

cool word

Denise Covey said...

Yeah, I've been looking for those buttons this year. Seek no more. Yes, I've heard this term used for people in a church, not meaning opposition to priests, but unordained people who might still preach.


A Daft Scots Lass said...

I'm learning so much with these A to Z Challenge posts.

Donna K. Weaver said...

Hadn't hear of this word either. What an education your posts are this month, Matt.

Where'd you get the buttons?

Stina said...

What do ya know? I used that in my YA horror novel yesterday.

Not! :D

farawayeyes said...

Another new one. Not sure how I would use it in a sentence though. Enlightening.

Elise Fallson said...

I was familiar with layman but not laicism. Cool. And the A-Z buttons are great! (:

Tara Tyler said...

i wonder if lazy is derived from that word, given its meaning... hmmm

like your a-z buttons & surprises!

and i might offer my query for crit, but you seem to be so busy!

Unknown said...

Very nice word! The button is also great too.

Just a Nice Girl

Matthew MacNish said...

@ Tara, I'll be open to queries again next month. I would have emailed you, but your blogger account goes to

Old Kitty said...

Oooh I like this word!! It's a good word!! Take care

Zan Marie said...

I 've never heard this one! Thanks for the new word, Matthew. I figure my lack is due to my religious upbringing being rooted in a group with no priests. Well, it's a possible reason. ; )

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

You made Rusty giggle - well done!

Vikki said...

Oooh,I love learning new words. I'm going to try and use that in a sentence today. Which means I'll get some weird looks, but that's nothing new for me.

Rick Daley said...

I resemble that statement...

Anonymous said...

Great word! Now to remember the spelling!

S. L. Hennessy said...

I can't but help second Rusty. That's a little funny. We're all very mature today.

Slamdunk said...

I would have jumped on guessing it similar to layman, but there is certainly a difference.

Good one Matthew and I hope you enjoy the weekend.

Tonja said...

Great word.

Sarah Ahiers said...

Well, i'm really familiar with Layman as a word, but i've never heard of laicism or any of those related words.
The more you know!!

Nancy Thompson said...

Hmm, opposition to priest? Gotta love that! Uh oh, my breakaway Catholic is showing. I simply must find a way to use this word!

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

I like that A to Z navigation button.

Cassie Mae said...

My brain must be running extra slow today. I still have no idea what this word means.

loverofwords said...

I like the second meaning. Could apply to the Russian Revolution which I am studying this month. You do have to practice saying these words smoothly.

Beth Stilborn said...

Thanks for this word today and for enlarging on its meaning outside church-related thoughts.


A good L word and thanks for the explanation of it.


Sub Radar (Mike) said...

Well, you've taught me a new word for today... thanks, Matthew.

Unknown said...

Cool word! Love your buttons.

momto8 said...

well this is definitely a new one on me. I would have gotten it wrong even on a multiple choice question!!
have a great weekend.

Alison Miller said...

So, being a Methodist and all I thought I knew all about laity, but that word is definitely new to me. Thanks for the new wordage!

Eric said...

Very interesting. It's unfair though, how thorough you are being in presenting new words compared to my paltry attempts LOL. Anyway, this is an good choice.

Lynn Proctor said...

didn't know it

Angela Brown said...

Definitely a different word. Hadn't heard it before at all. So it would not be good to jack up that first letter if wanting to refer to someone as a "Lacist".

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Hey Matt...there's not going to be a test when this is over, is there? I never heard of lacisim before!...:)JP

Jemi Fraser said...

another new word - and a cool one! Off to play 'surprise me' and see who I get to meet! :)

Jessica Salyer said...

You got me again. :)

cd sutton said...

I too like how your words are not everyday words and thus challenge us more. Very interesting posts and very interesting blog you have!

Anonymous said...

Love what you're doing with your pics and posts for AtoZ. Hope you're enjoying it.

Julie Daines said...

Love your theme! Word origins is something that fascinates me, so this will be a great place to visit during the challenge!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Matthew .. this is one I didn't know .. I hope I can remember it .. I'll need to be back to re-read these words you're coming up with ..

Cheers Hilary

Traci Kenworth said...

Great post!!

Katie O'Sullivan said...

OOh, navi buttons! I have to come back and borrow those ;-)

Great post... I like new words!

ShaunaKelleyWrites said...

This is a new one for me, and I LOVE it. And "lacist" inexplicably makes me giggle as well, but it is early and I haven't had my coffee yet!

DL Hammons said...

Crap! I keep forgetting to install those buttons!! :)