Friday, November 16, 2012
Oh How I Miss You Blogfest!
It's here! The brainchild of Andrew Leon, like any blogfest, it's not going far without the power (and the linky list account) of Alex J. Cavanaugh, Ninja Captain of the good ship Blogosphere. The third co-host, Matthew MacNish, was brought in for his good looks and great taste. Wait. That sounded wrong.
Anyway ...
The bloggers we really miss…
and the ones we would really miss!
Do you have a couple blogger buddies who aren’t posting as often? Those who’ve pulled back and seem absent from the blogging world? Do you have blogger buddies you are grateful they are still around and would miss if they vanished? Now is your chance to show your appreciation and spotlight them!
List one to three bloggers you really miss and one to three bloggers you would miss if they stopped blogging. Then go leave a comment on those blogs.
Our blogger friends are special – time to let them know!
The bloggers I miss:
Candace Ganger, AKA Candyland Gang, AKA Bethany, AKA The Jaded Wonder. Candace is one of my dearest friends, which is awesome, considering we've never met. She does still blog occasionally, but when I first started out, she was blogging every day, and every single post was a gut-splitting wealth of inspiration, tears, laughter and awkward hugs. I miss your posts almost as much as I miss you, Beth.
Kaye Em Evans. I still keep up with Kaye on Facebook, so it's all good, but I do miss her blog posts. She was another of the first blogs I ever started reading, and her posts were always fun and insightful.
The World in Miniature. This one is kind of cheating, because Bryan actually still blogs, and his cartoons are hilarious, but I really miss the flash fiction feature he used to do, and while I know his career has taken off in the last couple years, and he probably has very little time for blogging, I would love to see more flash fiction on his blog again. I guess I better write some.
The bloggers I would miss:
Katie Mills AKA Creepy Query Girl. Katie is one of my favorite bloggers. I feel like we've been through the trenches together. We both started out around the same time, and became friends quickly, but then we've both been through our share of rejections. Katie is a fighter though, and a talented writer, so as long as she doesn't give up, I know I never will.
Adam Heine. Adam is the Mastermind of Nerd-dom. I know of no better chart-maker, and sometimes it seems like Adam and I may have been separated at birth. I mean how could someone I've never met, who lives on the opposite side of the world, love exactly all the same things I love, and with the same passion? It doesn't seem possible.
Susan Quinn. Susan is the smartest lady I know. Literally. She's a rocket scientist, and she's the most successful self-publishing entrepreneur I know. Her posts on publishing, and craft, are particularly well thought out, researched, and presented. I don't know what I'd do without Susan.
Don't forget to visit everyone involved:
Posted by
Matthew MacNish
6:00 AM
Adam Heine,
Alex J. Cavanaugh,
Andrew Leon,
Bryan Russell,
Candace Ganger,
I Miss You Blogfest,
Katie Mills,
Kaye Em Evans,
Oh How I Miss You,
Susan Quinn,
The World in Miniature

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I know Susan's blog, and I totally agree with you. Will go and check out the rest. Thanks for hosting!
Fab choices! :-) I totally knew Candace would be here!
Aw, thanks so much Matt! And great choices!
I'd miss Katie as well!
This makes my whole week.
Timmy I heart you. It's time for that buffet. Also, last night I dreamed you did visit. You were dressed like a biker and danced A LOT to "Call Me Maybe." You also gave Erik a lot of hugs.
I think this is a sign.
I love Adam's blog too, and Katie is so lovely.
This is a fun blog tour-what a great idea!
Thanks for hosting the blogfest! Great idea!
Aw, Matt, thank you for the sweet words! I heart you (and Adam too) and I'm glad you're both still hanging in the blogosphere, even if I don't get around to visit as much as I should.
Love this fest!!
Wonderful miss yous. I'd miss so many people if they stopped blogging. We have a great writing community here. Thanks you for hosting this awesome blogfest!
I didn't know Candace's real name is Beth.
I knew there something I was supposed to post at the beginning of Cool Links Today. But I couldn't remember who I miss and there are soooo many blogs I would miss if they disappeared, it was impossible to name them all in one list. So I did a cop out post. lol
Yes, those are excellent choices. I would absolutely miss Adam's blog (I'd probably cry).
Thank you for hosting this blogfest!
Great idea and I love the blogs you shared!
Thank you Matt :D
Candace and Kaye...yes! I couldn't agree with you more. I really miss C. We used to chat via email, too, and often. But life can pull us in different directions at times. It's great to know we're all still here, ready to be there for each other.
Wonderful idea for a blogfest. Thanks for hosting. Susan and Katie are both great.
I don't know any of these! I'm shocked. But I'm about to change that! Morning, Matthew!
There are some special people out there.
Thanks for hosting a great blogfest. It's nice when we can tell our friends how much we care about them.
Tina @ Life is Good
Thanks for hosting this blogfest! I'm learning so much about other bloggers from it. :)
Great blogfest. I would miss you if you went away.
Hi Matthew .. love the photo of you both - great pic ...
I don't know all your selected bloggers or the missing ones - great to find new cases for inspiration ..
Cheers Hilary
The three you mentioned as "would miss"...yeah, totally agree.
Susan has been a phenom since stepping on the scene and shared awesomeness withe "Indie Publishing series"
Adam did "Animal" today. Need I say more?
Katie is a hoot and I love her thoughtful posts.
thanks so much for co hosting!
i'd miss creepy query girl too! need to check out the rest!
Thanks for hosting this! There are so many awesome bloggers I would miss them all . . .and I should have mentioned Susan - she's written so many posts that have been ultra helpful to me and my writing journey.
Great line up of bloggers missed and would be missed!
I'm amazed by all the blogs I'm seeing in lists so far that I don't recall having ever found.
A Faraway View
Thanks for hosting the fest! I've already enjoyed it, but still have lots to visit!
I'd miss Katie's blog, too. Just too many to pick from. But I did include you.
Susan Quinn posts great content. Her blog is very interesting to read.
Thanks for hosting the blogfest!
Thanks for hosting this fun blogfest! I'm glad I'll have the weekend to visit some of the amazing bloggers on everyone's lists! Julie
ZOMGAH no mention of Nathan Bransford! I thought for sure you'd put him on there. *hugs to my favorite query expert
It was definitely the good looks. I can say that because I still don't know what Alex looks like.
Thanks again for c-hosting this epic shindig. I should visit these blogger buds of yours. :)
Thank you for co-hosting this great blogfest!
Great idea for a blogfest.
And this is a great list.
Hey, Matthew,
Some amazing choices. I bent the rules A LOT and mentioned many, but not nearly as many as I would've liked.
Thanks for hosting!
Thanks for hosting this blog fest. It was a great idea!
Thanks for such a fun fest, Matthew! I'm excited to follow your blog now. Not sure how I haven't known about you yet! You're apparently very popular/famous ;-)
Thanks for hosting, Matthew. I love reading people's posts and visiting those I haven't in some time.
I'm with you on the Katie Mills. Her posts and comments always make me smile. :)
Phew - I finally found the linky list!
Thank you for hosting - I've linked up.
I'm new around here -- pushed to 'stardom' by Joylene's post today -- so I had to come and see what's been going on. I don't think I've met any of the three bloggers you've featured, which apparently means I don't get out-and-about nearly enough. Thanks for the introductions... I'm off to visit them. :)
Well I agree, you must be here for your good looks...LOL! Great blogs you picked and some new links for me to check out :)
Good choices! Like your blog!
This is a great blogfest. Thanks for helping put it together!
Thanks Matthew for hosting! It's been great discovering new bloggers through other people's lists. Hope the ones you mentioned will be able to get back to blogging again.
Look at all the traffic!
And of course I think the best of Bryan and Adam.
Working my way around the list in an unknown random order. Enjoyed your list. I am your newest follower.
Those are excellent choices - agreed on all counts :)
I don't know any of the bloggers you mentioned but I'm going to check them out!
Allison (Geek Banter)
Found the common denominator! Susan.
Great list of bloggers, Matthew. Thanks for hosting this blogfest. It's been a blast.
I will have to check out some of these blogs. :)
This was a wonderful idea! Thank you for doing this and bringing us all together. That's why you, Andrew and Alex would sorely be missed if you ever left us.
Great idea and choices Matt. Sorry I didn't participate except to comment but I was out of town yesterday at my daughter's state swim meet.
I'd miss that guy, A. Lex, and maybe you, too.
What great picks. I've seen you mentioned on a few blogs. You would surely be missed!
I like Susan's blog and Creepy Query Girl but will check out the others. Great blogfest, thanks :)
I'm a fan of Creep Query Girl too...what a fun post! I am now off to search the others who were a part of the Blogfest!
Thanks so much for co-hosting this fest! I have been introduced to so many new blogs that it will take me a year to visit them all!
Thanks from me, too. And for visiting my blog!
This is a great tribute to your blogging friends. Thanks so much for co-hosting!
You've mentioned some incredibly interesting-sounding people here - some I knew and some I didn't.
Hey Matt!
I think we'll always feel a strong connection to those we start out blogging with. We really do learn together.
Thanks for the fun blogfest! :)
Hi Matthew
I don't know any of those choices. I guess I'd better go visit them.
I know these blogs! Usually there are a few I don't know. All good ones!
Shannon at The Warrior Muse
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