Friday, October 14, 2011

Pay It Forward Blogfest

This is all about volume, so I'm going to keep it slick, and easy-peasy, lemon-squeezy. Here are three blogs I have only recently discovered:

Wine and Words at: Quiet Commotion

Joshua at: Vive Le Nerd

Mike at: Sub-Radar

Go read them. Follow. Then visit the rest of the blogs on the linky list, and follow them too. Do it.

And if you're here as part of the blogfest, because you found me on the linky list, please be sure to click that "Join this site" button over there on the right. If you can't see it, hit F5.

Thanks, have a great weekend!


Lisa said...

I thought I just discovered you but discovered I am already a follower, must be from A-Z. Still nice to meet you.

A Daft Scots Lass said...

Brilliant turn out, Matthew.

*two thumbs up face*

Write Life said...

Great fun Matthew! Thanks for putting it together!

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Great choices, Matt! Thanks for hosting this blogfest.

J.L. Campbell said...

You actually got past 200. Cool!

Natalie Aguirre said...

Thanks for organizing this.

Laura Eno said...

Nice to meet you, Matthew!

Jemi Fraser said...

Off to check out some new buddies! :)

Old Kitty said...

Enjoy your bloghopping!! Take care

Creepy Query Girl said...

I'm on it! It's gonna be a fun blogging day!

Bish Denham said...

YEAH! I'm so happy you got past the 200 mark. Congratulations.

Laura Pauling said...

Great blog fest! Thanks!

Kristine Asselin said...

I'm so far behind on this stuff. I totally missed this, Matt. Sorry!

I would have loved to participate! Great suggestions here, I'll try check out the ones I'm not familiar with!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Think those are all new to me!

Jessica Bell said...

LOL! That was short and sweet! Will check out those blogs. Thanks!

Emily White said...

Ooh, those look like some great blogs! I must check them out.

Jennifer Shirk said...

Those are new to me! Thx!!

Anonymous said...

Dude! I've been swamped at work all week—to the point that I can't even take a lunch break today to meet a friend who's in town for a conference—and had intended to sign up for the Pay It Forward. Amazing turnout here, and many thanks for the shout out. I need to go edit my post for today to spread the love!

Carolyn Abiad said...

Wow. This is a LOT of people I didn't know. I got up to 200 so far. I need to take a break because I'm going blind from the word recognition.

Donna K. Weaver said...

*heads over*

Pat Hatt said...

You got a ton, now doing some hopping around fun.

Stina said...

Awesome blogfest guys!!!!

Robyn Campbell said...

Heading over to follow them, MacNish. Such a cool blogfest. You rock. Yanno? *waving*

LTM said...

This fest has grown too long... (that's what she said).

Of course you know I'm checking out the nerd. :D <3

Lydia Kang said...

Cool! Going to check them out.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Great idea, Matthew!

Thanks for the links....

Sangu Mandanna said...

Cool, thanks for the links, Matthew! I'm going to try and make my way through as many of the list as I can this weekend.

Anonymous said...

Three newbies. Thanks for the links and for the awesome Blogfest! I'll stop by and day hello to them.

Heather said...

I love this idea and am so sorry I missed the sign up. Thank you for bringing people together. :)

Nicole Zoltack said...

What a great blogfest - thanks for putting it together!

Angela Ackerman said...

I'll have to check these out--thanks Matt! And congrats on such a successful blog fest!

Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse

Christina Lee said...

Already a cray cray day---LOL!!! AWESOME--off to click!

Stephanie Lorée said...

Great blogfest, Matthew. I just did my post. Here's to paying it forward!

Anonymous said...

thanks so much for cohosting the blog hop...lots of fun...and thanks for dropping in on thefeatheredest

KH LeMoyne said...

Great list. I got distracted from the Fest on the Vive site reading that list and on, and on, and on...
Thank you also for the headsup and GFC widget info for my blogsite - went and did so I'm prepped for the next time. Thanks.

Patricia Stoltey said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and following, Matthew. This blogfest was a great idea.

Marta Szemik said...

Matt, this is so much fun. Thanks for the links :) I expect it will take me a while to get through all the blogs, but I'll do it!

Wine and Words said...

Okay, so by now you know I'm small time...a few loyal followers. And by now you know I have no aspirations as a writer other than a hobby I enjoy. But uh...Matthew...the key to additional blog followers appears to be knowing you :) Heh heh. Thanks for the mention. It's an honor...really.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

This is the most epic blog hop I've ever seen. I'd call you and Alex "size queens" but when you unzipped and laid it on the table they felt the impact tremor in China.

Claire Hennessy said...

Such a great idea, thanks for organising this. I like your blog choices. (Michael's comment made me LOL)

Donna Shields said...

Oh wow! Check out those numbers. Already at 243!! Love your blog and will definitely check out your recommended three!

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Short and sweet--gotta love it! :-)

LynNerdKelley said...

Hey Matthew, thank you for hosting this amazing blog hop with Alex. You two rock! This is great!

Laura S. said...

This blogfest is awesome! I've discovered so many fabulous writers and blogs. You and Alex should make this an annual thing.

Ishta Mercurio said...

Rockin' blogfest, Matt! And great links, too. :-)

Pat Tillett said...

Wow! Lot's of folks signed up for this. I'll check out your links and some others.
I'm so glad you commented on mine, because I totally forgot about it. thanks to you I was able to alter my post today for the bloghop!

Jessica Salyer said...

Thanks for setting this up and thanks for stopping by my blog. I finished my Pay it Forward blog shortly after you stopped. Nice to meet you. I looking forward to reading your blogs.:)

Jessica Salyer said...

Thanks for setting this up and thanks for stopping by my blog. I finished my Pay it Forward blog shortly after you stopped. Nice to meet you. I looking forward to reading your blogs.:)

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Wine and Words - I need to visit that one.

Michael G-G said...

I am going to have such fun visiting people over the weekend!

(I've been stuck on 93 followers for months. Right now, I've passed the century mark. All because of you and Alex and your fantastic blogfesting!)

Thanks for introducing me to so many new and fantastic bloggers.

Unknown said...

I'm here from the Blogfest, Matthew. Nice to meet you too!

Sara {Rhapsody and Chaos} said...

aw man. THIS is what I get for slacking off from reading my favorite blogs. I didn't sign up for the fest! But it looks like an awesome participation. Awesome job, Matt! I've never seen such a huge blogfest!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the links -- Sub Radar looks very cool.

Anonymous said...

Charlie Pulsipher (everyone knows Charlie, right? He's famous. Sort of) named my blog in this fest of yours, so I thought I would head over to see the origin of the madness.

You don't mind if I go through your medicine cabinent, do you? Everything important about a person can be learned from his medicine cabinet.

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

So glad I took part of this incredible blogfest! 254 participants so far? WTH?! That's great! Check out your picks and followed every single one of them. Thanks!

Stacy S. Jensen said...

I wasn't able to participate this go round, but tweeted this blog post with the linky list. My way of paying it forward (and to remind myself to make my way through the list). Also nice to meet someone from North Georgia. I grew up in Ellijay.

M Pax said...

Great idea for a bloghop, Matthew!

Folks can also hit 'follow' at the top, which I have to do because of some really fun blogger glitch plaguing me.

Christine Rains said...

Awesome blogfest, Matthew! I've found so many new blogs that are wonderful.

Ciara said...

Matthew, please accept my apology. I did not give you proper credit for the blogfest today. I will add you as soon as I can. This is a really awesome blog hop!

Shannon said...

Ack! I forgot to mention you and Alex on my post. Blog fail.

Kelly Polark said...

Thanks for hosting, Matt!
And sorry I spelled your last name on my blog wrong. :( But if it was still Rush, I would have spelled it correctly. Way to mess with my mind. ;)

Unknown said...

Thanks for hosting such a cool bloghop. Checking them out now.

Sub Radar (Mike) said...

Thanks for the shout! I was wondering where all my new followers came from haha.

Reading and following you all back, thanks!

Nancy Thompson said...

Hey Matthew! First, I gotta send my thanks for hosting this bloghop. I woke up this morning with 16 more followers than I had when I went to bed 8 hours earlier. WOW!

Second, many thanks for following me, as well! It's always nice to have new folks coming around and commenting, especially someone so well-known, and a friend of Alex's, no less, whom I absolutely adore.

Lastly, wasn't it only yesterday that you hoped to get 200 PIF participants? And now it's up to 262? WOW!!! You have made a tremendous impact this day! Way to go!

Peggy Eddleman said...

I'm going to go check out those blogs right now. Thanks for the recommendations!

Jess said...

Thanks for hosting this~ it's been fun to see so many posts with cool new blogs (new to me, that is) listed!

Mark said...

Great to meet u, thanks for visiting my blog:)

Lisa Gail Green said...

Oh my gosh! I can't believe all these blogs! Obviously I have some work to do. That's what I get for being so busy all the darn time.

Anonymous said...

Hey Matthew thank you for coming by my blog and the follow. You're right it works. You have a serious comment waiting for you at my blog from Tirzah. i get what she's saying coz i went through it and only came right when I copied your address on to a new page instead of following the link from your profile and other.

Kristen Pelfrey said...

Matthew. I am hopping. Thank you.

C D Meetens said...

Thanks for hosting this blogfest. I've met so many new people, and found so many great blogs because of it!

Golden Eagle said...

So many blogs! I'm looking forward to digging into this list over the weekend . . .

And no problem about the following. I know it can be hard to keep track of which blogs you've joined on GFC or not. :)

Heidi W said...

Wow--crazy awesome turn out! I had a great time--met some interesting bloggers and gained some new followers.

Thank you for hosting the blogfest! I really appreciate all the time and energy you invested.

S. L. Hennessy said...

Thanks for checking out my blog! I'm just sorry I haven't come across yours before - it's GREAT! Consider me a new follower as well! Great blogfest!

Tracy Jo said...

Hey Matthew! Thank you so much for setting this blogfest up & for stopping by today. I am loving the party and reading some new great blogs!

Donea Lee said...

Hi Matthew! 280 pay-it-forward participants?? That's awesome!! I'm glad you stopped by earlier - I (sadly) nearly forgot about this. But, I've got my post up now. Thanks for hosting - paying it forward is always a WONDERFUL idea!

Julie said...

Yessssssssss! I heart new followers. Thanks for stopping by, Aaaaand for hosting this awesome blogfest! Seriously, it rocks!

P.s. Stalkin' you back!

Anonymous said...

Great event... love finding new followers:) Found your blog too.... will be back...

Danette said...

Ha! You just beat me to it! I was hopping over here to follow you (because I realized last night I had never followed your blog!) and to comment and thank you for organizing this! It's great! Better than the awards because it thanks the people who we have friendships with and allows us to give something to someone else-- a little spotlight. And they aren't obligated to do anything in return. Cheers to you!

Rusty Carl said...

This blogfest was a brilliant idea, I've already visited more places today than I have in a while. Thanks for the inspired idea.

Melissa Sugar said...

Matthew, as a new blogger I wanted to thank you for this opportunity to get to know more bloggers. It has really helped me and exposed me to so many awesome bloggers & their blogs. You are great! Thank you!!!!

The Offender said...

Interesting, and entertaining, two for the price of one.

Tara Tyler said...

great blogfest!
thanks for putting it on =)

David P. King said...

Hey, Matt! Thanks for visiting my blog today. Sadly my Internet was down and I haven't heard about this blogfest until now. Just wanted to let you know that I think it's brilliant! Love it, sir! :)

Arlee Bird said...

This thing is immense. It's going to take me 3 months to get through the list and all of the recommended blogs. Thanks for hosting this.

Tossing It Out

dolorah said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog (yesterday) Matt; and for commenting eveen though you didn find what your expected.

Thanks for sharing your blogger link love too.


jp@A Green Ridge said...

Hey, Matt...thanks for stopping by and although I am now a "follower" I may not be around for a while...moving back to CT next week and unsure of ISP yet!!! UGH!! Talk about "withdrawals!...:)JP

Anonymous said...

Hi there,
Thankyou so much for stopping by my blog. Lovely to meet you and you have a new follower.And you are right without your blogfest we wouldn't be here so thank you both. xoxo
Eve. :)

JJ said...

I’m now following you from the Pay It Forward Blogfest.

Anonymous said...

I'll check out the links.

Awesome blogfest. Have a great weekend.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Thanks for hosting and inventing this wonderful time. I'm finding lots of new great blogs.

Dawn Kurtagich said...

This was such an awesome blogfest. :)

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sarah Tokeley said...

I think you can safely say it was a success :-)

Well done to you. said...

Kudos for an amazing blogfest. I'll be checking out new blogs for at least another week.
Thanks for the follow too.
You're great.

kah said...

CRAP! How do I always miss this fun stuff? *sigh*

I'm already a follower. Obviously. ;)

Anonymous said...

It took me awhile to find you! you are like on 3 blogs - but persistence is the name of the game =P now officially a stalker
Pabkins @ Mission to Read

Denise Baer said...

Interesting concept. I came across your blog after following a comment made by Matthew MacNish on one of my blog followers post.

BrendaC said...

Just doing some blog hopping and found your blog, I am now following you via gfc , to bad I missed blog fest oh well maybe next time. Drop by and check out my blog when you get a chance at

Tymothy Longoria said...

Absolutely brilliant. Go Matt!

PT Dilloway said...

Ooh, can I be 101?

Jeremy Bates said...

i missed the pay it forward hop, but i still got to this blog! nice to meet u :)

Sher A. Hart said...

I missed it too. Robyn Campbell chose me but Mr. Linky can be a real tool. Kidding. Mr. Linky just couldn't stand the weight gain. At 266, he probably couldn't fit through the door.

Empty Nest Insider said...

Great to meet you through this amazing blogfest! I look forward to visiting this impressive list of bloggers! Julie

Laurita said...

Great to meet you. This was a fabulous idea.

Talli Roland said...

This is a fab idea for a blogfest. Thanks so much to you and Alex for organising!

B.E. Sanderson said...

Looks like I'm late to the party. Congrats on reaching over a hundred comments. =o)

Writer said...

Thank you for hosting this blogfest. It was FUN! :-)
Hope you guys do it again.

DL Hammons said...

Three new victims! :) Thank you, oh great Yoda!

Denise Baer said...

Sorry I didn't realize you were Matt. That's what happens when I'm half asleep and comment on blogs. :D

Ciara said...

Okay, I think I'm going in circles now. LOL. I'm following your blog now, but I swear I'd already been here today. I think I'm starting to get blogeritis. :) I love this blog hop, thogh.

Sara Fowler said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Great stuff here! New follower.

Bailey Hammond said...

Fantastic! F5! So THAT's how you make the follower thingy show up when it's being shy. This is probably--and I'm not exaggerating--the best thing I've been taught all week. And that includes a bunch of other stuff that my professors have taught me. I'm now going to follow you. It seems like the right thing to do since you revealed the F5 trick. :)

Miranda Hardy said...

Thanks for hosting this with Alex. Loved participating. I bet you've been busy all weekend. lol

Anonymous said...

Thanks for following! Following you back

Unknown said...

I was one of the last minute blog hop sign-ups and im glad i did! Thanks for the follow. :)

WilyBCool said...

Happy to be following! A couple of days late, that's ok. ;D