Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A.B. Keuser's Current Query

You guys remember how this works, right? First things first: go visit Amy's blog. Follow her.

Second, read her query:

Dear [Agent Name],

Lex is a private courier in a world where the Divided States Postal Service asks too many questions to make stamps worth their fifty dollar price tag. What she does isn’t strictly legal, but that really depends on what system of government has taken over your particular corner of the world. When a client hands her an envelope full of cash and a delivery the size of a stack of business cards Lex doesn’t bat an eye, that’s the price you pay for no-questions-asked service. This job is supposed to be easier than getting fleas in Puerta Pulgas, but she’d bet her eyeteeth she’s been double crossed when the cloudskimmer taking her to New Shanghai is ambushed. The two goons who’ve parachuted aboard know exactly what she’s carrying: Sun Drops.

Smuggling drugs isn’t the issue, she’s done that more times than she’s paid off pimple faced customs agents. Her surprise guests are. Getting past them and to her contact in the Depths of New Shanghai gives her more reason to keep a finger on the trigger of her peashooter. He claims he has no clue what she’s talking about and when the drug partially absorbs through her skin, she knows she’s in a steaming heap. Blending in to a crowd has always been one of Lex’s biggest assets, but there’s nowhere to hide when you glow like the sun.

Now she’s being pursued by the client who wants his package back, the Home Owner’s Association that rules New Shanghai and their spur wielding rent-a-cops. As she dodges everyone after her, her biggest threat and strongest ally may be one of her original attackers, a man who inexplicably won’t die.

SUN DROPS, my science fiction novel is complete at 90,000-words.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


[Contact Information]

Third, say hi to her in the comments. Please save your feedback for tomorrow, as today is only for introductions. Thanks!


Old Kitty said...

There is a A LOT going on here! WOW!! I am so sorry but I read eye-teeth as one word phonetically - so it was ay-yeteeth. I know better now! Yay! Take care

Sarah said...

This story sounds like SO much fun! It totally has an irreverent, wild-west feel. I'll be back tomorrow with comments for the query.

Unknown said...

I say nothing.

With saying nothing I must say that this sounds awesome. I could feel myself chuckling in parts so not only do I hear the voice but the story is intriguing and I normally do not go to this genre.

Of course that being said... I said nothing.

Sarah Ahiers said...

Hi Amy - we'll see you back here tomorrow

Scott Stillwell said...

Hi Amy! I probably won't have much to contribute since I'm such a newb, but I'm interested so I'll just follow along.

Leigh Caron said...

I hear your voice coming through. Interesting story. As still an unpub'd author, I'll let others comment

Patti said...

Sounds like a great premise.

Michael G-G said...

Looking forward to tomorrow's critique from Matt and others' comments. It sounds like a very humorous story!

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

Hello A.B. I look forward to giving you some feedback tomorrow.

Carolina M. Valdez Schneider said...

Some really intriguing ideas in this one. I'll try to make it back tomorrow!

A. B. Keuser said...

Wow! This went up fast! I was expecting to see it up later in the week. Thanks for posting, Matthew.

Anita said...

I may have jury duty tomorrow, so I'm going to say one little thing today: I really like the title!

Bethany Elizabeth said...

Interesting premise, I like it a lot! Can't wait for the critique tomorrow!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Hi Amy! Looking forward to tomorrow.

Unknown said...

Hello, friend. :) Can't wait to hear the feedback!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Amy!

I look forward to seeing all the input tomorrow. For now, please consider me a new follower. Your blog is great!

Christina Lee said...

I am always amazed at people's creativity--WOW, sun drops. Woo hoo Amy!

Angela Ackerman said...

Thanks for sharing your query Amy. Looking forward to hearing Matt's feedback. :)

Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse

Lydia Kang said...

Hi Amy! Looking forward to the feedback. The story looks like fun!

Suzie F. said...

Hi Amy! Thanks for sharing your query with us. Sounds like quite an adventure!

Jamie Gibbs said...

I love the premise, and there sounds like a hell of a lot going on in the novel. I'll look forward to hearing more :D