Friday, October 22, 2010

So Yeah ...

So yeah ... I had a great story I wanted to share with you that I heard on NPR this morning, but I'm not feeling well and now I can't remember what it was so ... eff it.

Problem is I'm not feeling well this morning (I just said that, didn't I?). Don't worry, I'm not sick, I'm just hung over. We got some good news recently so we went out to celebrate last night, and I had a few too many beers. I wasn't like wasted or anything but the problem is that I work at 6AM, which means I get up at 5AM, and five hours of sleep when you go to bed tipsy is really no sleep at all. Your liver's working overtime and you don't get any rest.

So now I have a headache ... and I can't even remember the awesome NPR story I wanted to share with you guys.

Shame on me.

Have a great weekend though!


Steve MC said...

This reminds me of that Jimmy Buffett song, "My Head Hurts, My Feet Stink, and I Don't Love Jesus." (With back-up from no less than The Oak Ridge Boys.)

He also wrote "Grapefruit, Juicy-fruit," which was supposed to be a hangover cure "to wash away the night."

Candyland said...

shameshameshame timmy...
*wants to go out for beers with you next time*

Unknown said...

I'm with Candyland, who doesn't love a celebration... partying with you sounds fun, lets just make it on a friday night!

kah said...

Have another drink. It will make you feel better.

Happy Friday!

Christina Lee said...

Awww (was it something about Juan being fired?)
Oh yeah we can party like we're 21, but recover like we're way older ;--)

vic caswell said...

feel better! and congrats on the good news! :)

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Liver working overtime. I like that. *grins* OJ for your bloodstream and peanuts for your headache. (Peanuts are a natural blood thinner.)

Rest this weekend, man.

Stina said...

You're forgiven. Great news trumps all, even if you land a major hangover. ;)

Shannon said...

Sorry to hear about the hangover. I miss the day days of being able to drink all night, get 4 hours of sleep, and wake up feeling great. Drink lots 'o water!

Hannah said...

haha! :D have some coffee and a greasy meal, you'll be golden in no time!

LTM said...

it was a full moon last night. Awesome about good news, though~ :o)

oh! and I heard pineapple does something... sorry. that's all I got. :D <3

Unknown said...

You just started your weekend early. Not a problem in my eyes! That's why they call it Thirsty Thursday

Sarah Ahiers said...

I don't know what the good news is, but congratulations anyway!

Ted Cross said...

I am still trying to figure out why humans 'celebrate' by making themselves miserable!

Lisa_Gibson said...

Awww, it's rough isn't it. Remember those times when you used to party all night, come home shower and leave for work. yeah, doesn't work that way anymore, eh? Hang in there. Eat some eggs with cheese, you'll be right as rain soon. :)
Lisa ~ YA Literature Lover

Colene Murphy said...

I'm sorry. But I had to laugh at you, because I have been there. Only worse and 1 hour sleep and trying to get through airport security without barfing on the security guard. I don't drink hardly ever, so when I do it is BAD.

Hope you can remember your good story, cause now we are all really curious I'm sure!

Feel better!

K. M. Walton said...

Hangovers blow.

Southpaw said...

And the funny thing? You admit it!

Matthew MacNish said...

Yep. I do. No shame in my game.

Eric W. Trant said...

I did this last week, too much home-brew in a Colorado brew-pub.

I was all alone, watching the Texas Rangers (I'm from Dallas) lose to the Yankees in the bottom of the 8th, reading Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land and drinking homemade black-n-tans.

Oh, man, I'm still sick, and that was a week ago.

Funny how acting like a college kid after you're out of college doesn't work so great no more, eh.

- Eric

Elana Johnson said...

Happy good news! Have a great weekend.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Glad I reined in my celebrations Tuesday night, as I get up damned early, too.

Melissa Gill said...

So are ya leaving us hanging on the good news? And anyway it's Friday, hangovers on Friday don't really count.

Melissa said...

WOOHOOO good news.. hangovers, not so great.

Lenny Lee said...

hi mr matthew! yikes! you got hangover memory loss. thats pretty scary. i hope you get some good sleep and feel better.
...hugs from lenny

Old Kitty said...

Hair of the dog!

Or a big breakfast of fried eggs and bread. Yum!!!

Enjoy your hangover!!! :-)

Take care

Leigh Caron said...

I'm sure the good news was worth it. See? It's Saturday now,and you feel better, right?

Anonymous said...

Word. Been there, bro.

At least by the time you read this, you'll be recovered from *Friday's* hangover too. :)

Tracy said...

That's why you shouldn't drink beer.

You should do shots of hard liquor instead. Trust me, by the end of the evening you pass out-dead to the world- and that five hours of sleep is much better. There's still the throbbing headache though.

Ishta Mercurio said...

Hope you feel better soon! I don't have any hangover cures that I've tried that i can say work firsthand, but I've heard a good old-fashioned fry-up will do the trick.

Have a great weekend!

Jemi Fraser said...

Congrats on your good news & I hope you feel better soon! :)

jdsanc said...

FYI Don't celebrate with beer. Commiserate with beer. Watch football with beer. Give beer away to trick or treating parents, but do not celebrate with it. Celebrate with vodka. Heavy glass to clink, ice to rattle, russian verse to shout. And next day, bloody mary to drink.

PS Congratulations on whatever.

Slamdunk said...

Ahh, the struggles of the early morning employee.

At least when you remember the story, you will have another blog post ready.

Tahereh said...

hahaaa awww matt.

feel better :)

Lola Sharp said...

Congrats on your good news. :)
Sorry about the mini hangover, Matt.